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Saturday, 27.7.2024.
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Creditcard purchase security statement

Confidentiality of your information is protected and secured by using TLS encryption. Pages for web payment are secured by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption. SSL encryption is a data coding procedure for prevention of unauthorized access during data transfer. This enables a secure data transfer and prevents unauthorized data access during communication between user and Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and vice versa. Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and financial institutions exchange data by using their virtual private network (VPN) which is also protected from unauthorized access. Monri Payments is PCI DSS Level 1 certified payment service provider. Credit card numbers are not stored by Merchant and are not available to unauthorized personnel.

Personal data gathering and protection statement

We are committed to provide service of protection of our customer's personal data in a way that we collect only essential basic information about our buyers that are necessary for fulfilling our obligations. We also inform our customers about the way we collect information and regularly give customers an option about how their information will be used, including the possibility to decide whether their name should be included or omitted from the lists used for marketing campaigns. All user information are strictly guarded and are available only to the employees who need those information for completing the job. All our employees and business partners are responsible to follow the principles of confidentiality protection.

Terms of purchasing a ticket for the Mostart conference

These terms determine the procedure of ordering, payment, delivery, and refund of the ticket for the Mostart conference that is offered on these pages. The website of the University of Mostar can be used for your private use free of charge, according to the following terms and rules. The merchant is the University of Mostar, and the buyer is the visitor of these pages who fills out an electronic order, sends it to the University of Mostar, and makes the payment via credit cards or cash on delivery.


The buyer orders the ticket via an electronic order form. The buyer is considered to be any person who orders the ticket electronically, fills in the requested information, and sends the order. All prices are expressed in Convertible Marks, including VAT. The buyer also has the option to display prices in US dollars and euros. The ticket is ordered via an electronic form by pressing the specific option and adding it to the cart. The ticket is considered ordered at the moment when the buyer selects and confirms the payment method.


The ordered ticket is paid online by one of the credit cards: Mastercard, Maestro, or Visa.


The confirmation of the paid ticket is sent electronically to the buyer's email address. The buyer is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data on the confirmation and, in case of any error, promptly informing the University of Mostar via email at

Protection of copyrights

All rights of the University of Mostar and copyright holders of the materials used during the conference are reserved. The buyer agrees not to reproduce, perform, use for broadcasting, or sell any materials or any part thereof without authorization.


The University of Mostar reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. All changes will apply to the use of the University of Mostar's website. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered when purchasing the ticket.

Although the University of Mostar strives to provide the best possible service, it cannot guarantee that the services on its website will meet your needs. It also cannot guarantee that the service will be error-free. If an error occurs, please report it to the email so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible.


Sveučilište u Mostaru, Trg hrvatskih velikana 1, 88000, Mostar, BiH

JIB broj: 4227088130005

PDV broj: 227088130005

MBS: 2-21 Općinski sud u Mostaru

+387 63 047-074

Secure Payment

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